
In the media this week: Aubrey, AI, and advocacy

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Trust your doctor to diagnose you correctly? The Washington Post reports that 2/3 of doctors treating dementia patients backpedal on treatment plans after PET scan for amyloid deposits.

Preventative care pioneer and longevity hero Shigheaki Hinohara drove life expectancy to the very top, and used his own advice to live to the ripe old age of 105. Some evidence suggests that following in his footsteps and avoiding modifiable risk factors could prevent up to a third of dementia cases.

Rejuvenaction explores Aubrey de Grey’s two favorite arguments in favor of life extension’s ethical permissibility.

Why do so many people with good heart health still die of cardiovascular disease? It turns out that when it comes to immune defenses, sometimes the cure is worse than the disease…

Some major money is flowing into the intersection of anti-aging drug development and AI with new startup Juvenescence, whose founders hope to build a streamlined pipeline straight to your shelves. In related news, will R&D at existing pharma companies get boost from a proposed tax holiday?

You may think campaigning for longevity is all fun and games, but Elina Milova of the Life Extension Advocacy Foundation is here to tell you why serious, dedicated resources are what’s needed for real change, right down to the gritty details.

Tegan McCaslin

Tegan is Geroscience's lead editor, and writes on a variety of topics--mainly science, medicine, and humans--here and elsewhere on the web.