
What’s new in media and industry: Huge piles of money, and more

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Here’s our handpicked selection of the best blog posts, popular articles, and breaking biotech news of the last two weeks:

Longevity enthusiasts don’t need to feel left out of the mainstream funding frenzy anymore–Y Combinator has put a $1 million bounty on the head of aging, an attractively large figure for up-and-coming startups.

Want to become your own guinea pig? Check out Fight Aging! for a guide on how run your own n=1 trial with senolytics. Please read responsibly.

The only dedicated anti-aging research center in the United States, the Buck Institute, seems to be doing well in the wake of a recent leadership change. The SENS Research Foundation has also done rather well for itself this year. Plans for aggressive expansion and metastasis are imminent.

Improved technology is supposed to make things cheaper–so why does drug development keep getting more expensive?

LEAF chats with Irina and Michael Conboy, originators of the parabiosis experiments, to find out what’s so great about young blood, what’s so bad about old blood, and whether blood filtering could help prevent the diseases of aging.

A range of data, from life satisfaction surveys, to dermatology, to people’s preferred ages at which to freeze time, suggests that nobody really wants to be 20 forever. However, that’s mostly due to the influence of particular life stages on life quality, and not biological aging.

The Zurich Institute of Public Affairs Research lays out a summary of their thoughts on “killing death”, including the strategies that might accomplish this, prospective benefits if death were eradicated, as well as risks to consider.

If you’re curious about the Official Government Perspective on aging research, see this essay from the head of the NIA.

Tegan McCaslin

Tegan is Geroscience's lead editor, and writes on a variety of topics--mainly science, medicine, and humans--here and elsewhere on the web.