
Research roundup: Growth hormone receptor mutations in centenarians, and more

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A study of centenarians finds a certain mutation of the growth hormone receptor gene is more common among men, but not women, compared to 70-year-old controls. But the modification doesn’t do what you might expect: though decreasing the amount of growth hormone absorbed, it also boosted protein expression when it was absorbed. This lead carriers to be an average of 3 cm taller than non-carriers. Centenarian women, on the other hand, are less likely to have height-increasing genes than control women.

Think you’ll plan ahead and exercise now to prevent cognitive decline later? Think again.

Across 18 countries, lower mortality associated with higher dietary fat intake, while carbohydrate intake went the opposite direction.

Now that it’s been found to work in monkeys, scientists at Kyoto University plan to start injecting stem cell-derived neurons into human Parkinson’s patients soon. Check out Nature‘s rundown here.

We know gut bacteria impact aging and healthspan, but how do they do it? Indoles may hold the answer.

Yet another victory for removal of senescent cells–this time, in osteoporosis.


Tegan McCaslin

Tegan is Geroscience's lead editor, and writes on a variety of topics--mainly science, medicine, and humans--here and elsewhere on the web.