
In the media: White papers, worms and “Why die?”

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LEAF takes an incisive look at the popular “eternal snoozefest” view of life extension and knocks down that shaky extrapolation from elderly people’s will to live, along with several other misconceptions about boredom.

“You want me to live in the beautiful Italian countryside, eat delicious Italian home cooking, and hang out at Italian beaches with my new Italian friends for three months? I’ll do it, but only for science.”

The Aging Analytics Agency just released this white paper on the business of longevity.

For $7000, the Y Combinator-backed startup Forever Labs will harvest and store your stem cells in the hopes of using them to treat aging later on. That’s actually cheaper than the most popular anti-aging intervention, but more importantly you don’t have to spend any time wiping other people’s sweat off of exercise machines.

Daisy Robinton: stem cell scientist, science communicator, anti-aging advocate, and all-around awesome human. Check out Elle’s glowing profile here.

From the department of “someone was bound to do it eventually”, longevity gets in bed with cryptocurrency. Reason talks to Youthereum founder Yuri Deigin about his aims and strategy.

While you wait for the next installment of our Hallmarks of Aging series, enjoy this overview of epigenetic alterations from LEAF blogger Steve Hill.

Having trouble finding a place to put your 2 million worms? Look no further.

In CGP Grey’s most ominously-scored video to date, he takes down the naturalist defense of aging as part of a joint effort with Kurzgesagt. “It’s natural for humans to look at what indifferent nature provides as the starting point, a to-do list.”

Tegan McCaslin

Tegan is Geroscience's lead editor, and writes on a variety of topics--mainly science, medicine, and humans--here and elsewhere on the web.